Asians Helping Asians

I believe in a world of humans having choices instead of constraints in all areas of their lives. I do this through thinking, educating, conceptualizing, explaining and sharing with others who are in need of resources that can then lead them to choose to improve their lives.

Who I Help

I help first generation Asian American men from well off families evoke and live their authentic wealthiest lives without conforming to their families, culture, and society.

Our Goal

Help first generation Asian-American men evoke and live their authentic wealthiest lives with a framework of STRATEGY, MINDSET, and ACCOUNTABILITY

Who is this for?

Financially well off first generation Chinese and Asian-Americans men who have “everything money could buy except happiness” evoke and live their authentic wealthiest lives without confirming to their families, culture, and society.

What We Bring

I did a lot of deep inner work such as somatic therapy, breakthrough training, personal growth, masterminds, communities, and accumulated mental and relationships capital.

How We work

If you are a first generation  Asian-American man who feels like there’s something missing deep down inside, let’s connect. I been where you are and want to see how I can help the best way I can

My Story

I believe that my experience of being a first generation Chinese American has given me an unique perspective on being able to relate to others like myself. To learn more about why I do what I do, you can read more in the About section

Learn how I can help
you succeed!