Helping solve the "How" problem for "What" and "Who" Geniuses.

I believe in a world of humans having choices instead of constraints in all areas of their lives because they make decisions out of love and abundance instead of fear and scarcity. I do this through thinking, educating, conceptualizing, explaining and sharing with others who are in need of resources that can then lead them to choose to improve their lives.

Who I Help

I help Ideas (What) and People (Who) Geniuses with solving organization, efficiency, and cost saving problems by answering the question “How”?

My Goal

My goal is to help the Ideas (What) and People (Who) Geniuses be in their winning formula by collaborating with with them to solve their Details (How) problems.

Who is this for?

My ideal client is a Ideas (What) or People (Who) Genius who is in need of help with the Details (How) challenges in their businesses. 

What I Bring

I am a Steel Accumulator in the Wealth Dynamics Profile, which means I am suited for keeping the project on time, detailed research, and organization. 

How I work

I help with adding profit to a business by analyzing the numbers and finding ways to save costs, changing systems to improve cash collections, automating costly activities to make them more efficient and cost efficient, providing analysis and data to the top producers so they can direct themselves toward highest-value activities and clients, and creating systems for online sales, renewals, service, and communications.

My Story

My discovery of the Millionaire Master Plan book has allowed me to understand who I am and how do I best use my natural genius. You can read more on the About page.

Learn how I can help
you succeed!